
The conference covers the following topics (but not limited to)

Multiple scales dynamics
Nonlinear dynamics in energy harvesting

Nonlinear dynamics of MEMS / NEMS / AFM 
Control of oscillating  systems
Systems with time delay
Quasi-periodic oscillations and synchronization
Deterministic and stochastic dynamics

Analytical and semi-analytical methods
Nonlinear system identification
Time series analysis methods
Dynamics of periodic and near-periodic lattice
Modeling, control  and analysis of switching systems
Nonlinear active control of structures and machines
Structural health monitoring
Bifurcations in nonlinear systems
Nonlinear vibrations of structures and vibroacoustic
Nonsmouth dyanamics
Nonlinear phenomena in discrete and continuum systems
Fractional order oscillators
Nonlinear waves
Nonlinear PDEs and their dynamics



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