Keynote speakers


  Prof. Eihab Abdel-RahmanUniversity of waterloo, Canada

 Title: Noise-Driven Sensors (abstract)


Prof. Mohammed F. Daqaq, Clemson University, USA/NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE

TitleOrigami inspired design of nonlinear springs with tunable characteristics (abstract)


 Prof. Bernold FiedlerFree University Berlin, Germany

 Title: Simultaneous noninvasive stabilization of infinitely many, large and rapid Duffng oscillations,
by delayed feedback control (abstract)


Prof. Muhammad HajjStevens Institute of Technology, USA 

 Title: Physics-informed neural networks for system identification of fluid-structure interactions (abstract)


Prof. Ivana KovacicUniversity of Novi Sad, Serbia

TitleBending and unbending a backbone curve of nonlinear oscillators (abstract)


Prof. Jürgen Kurths, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany

TitleExploring predictability of extreme climate events via a complex network approach (abstract)


Prof. Grzegorz LitakLublin University of Technology, Poland

 Title: Identification of failures in the dynamical response of machines (abstract)


Prof. Ferdinand Verhulst, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

Title: Emergence and approximation of tori (abstract)


Prof. Hatem Zaag, CNRS & University Sorbonne Paris Nord , France

Title: On degenerate blow-up profiles for nonlinear parabolic equations (abstract)






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